Crisis Triage Center

La Sala Crisis Center serves Santa Fe County residents, offering face-to-face crisis intervention to individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis for those 18 years and older.

New Mexico Solutions provides behavioral health support to individuals seeking to avoid unnecessary hospitalization, incarceration, or emergency services contact. Our staff can provide triage, referral, and follow-up services, as well as support, information, and referrals for family members and caregivers of individuals with mental health challenges.

La Sala Crisis Center
2052 Galisteo St,
Santa Fe, NM 87505

Phone: (505) 819-3419
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8am – 8pm

Hours of operation may change
Available for walk-ins and referrals for those 18 years and older. Please call ahead when possible.

Individuals in medical crisis should call 911. New Mexico Solutions does not provide emergency medical services.

Mobile Crisis Response Team

The Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) is available 24/7 through 911. In partnership with first responders and law enforcement agencies, MCRT provides field services for those experiencing a behavioral health crisis, ages 14 and older.

New Mexico Crisis and Access Line
(855) 662-7474

Mental health crisis services are operated by New Mexico Solutions and funded by Santa Fe County Community Services Department

For More information about La Sala, visit the Santa Fe County website.